The growing period is practically over; one should stop using fertilizers in order to let the branches get woody before the winter.

And what are the conclusions, not a good year for plants.

 The up and down temperature (constant freezing and thawing) during very mild winter killed many twigs

Too much water in winter killed some additional plants. Then the spring continued to be cold, not much different from the winter. The fruits trees lost flowers and subsequently never developed into fruits. The unbalance between strong sun penetration and very cold nights caused that the pollinating insects did not become enough active. The spring was dry and did not provided good potential for growing of plants, cold, lack of rain. Spring is the main period for the growth for many plants.

Some Mediterranean plants like oleander and grapes are growing very well.

 Then the early summer was also dry, July was cold but still lacking precipitation as one could suppose and now mid-August we have had a long period of dry weather. The time for plants to stop growing and prepare for the winter and develop flower buds for the next year.